You may have sold or bought things on eBay in the past. I have sold items on eBay for over 15 years. Jim’s Ebay Site. I have seen so many changes in the past, especially under the old CEO John Donahue.
I think many of these changes were negative. This resulted in many sellers getting thrown off the website and turning off many buyers as well. I think it probably resulted in eBay losing a market share.
Now they have a new CEO Devin Wenig. He seems to really get it. Although there were good changes recently going on even before Devin, there is definitely a very positive feeling in the air with eBay and their sellers. It seems like it has become a more friendly and exciting place to sell your items. There are lots of competition these days on the web of course. You have Amazon, Etsy, Bonanza, and others. Devin thinks he can bring the company forward with higher profits and eventually a good brand to really promote. I believe him. You can’t help but to like him because he says things us sellers have been saying for years.
If you sold on eBay in the past or are thinking about getting into it but need more information on how to do it well, I can think of no better a place than this:
eBay And Amazon Sellers Newsletter.
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