An FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an online program that will allow you to easily connect to your web host (like on Hostgator) and transfer files from your local or personal computer to the server that hosts your website files. Most people will transfer files from their computers to the websites using this method.
As well as transferring files from your local PC to a server,
an FTP program can also allow you to move, rename and delete
files remotely on your web host’s server. You would simply connect to your website using FTP and click on any folder or file to delete, rename or do other things you want to do. These are usually files that you already initially uploaded.
One of the most popular downloadable FTP programs out there
is FileZilla. Its well known for its simplicity, features
and reliability. And its free! Another popular free ftp is called CoffeeCup.
But if you’re looking for something a bit more light weight,
there’s also a Firefox add-on called ‘FireFTP’ which you can
use within your Firefox browser.
FireFTP is very simple to use, has great features and works
well. The only downfall is it usually takes longer than
FileZilla when transferring larger files.
Here are some things you need to know when setting up a
connection via your FTP program:
Web Host: You will be asked for this when setting up a
connection, this in most cases will be your domain name e.g
Login: This will be the login name you use to login to your web
host in most cases (userid)
Password: This will be the password that you use to log into
your web host.
If these credentials don’t work, then login to your web host
and look for a section called ‘FTP’…from there you’ll be
able to create new FTP accounts which you can use.
Don’t let technology keep you from getting started in your own internet business, especially when they make it easy like this.
For a large variety of information products about making money on the internet and other subjects, <Click here>
Until the next newsletter, I hope you prosper.
You can contact me directly or indirectly by mail or email at:
Jim Young
1813 Spring Blossom Ln.
Sparks, NV 89434

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